Preparing a National Nonprofit to Compete in a Changing Marketplace


A national nonprofit’s scope, mission and reach had evolved since its inception and, additionally, new marketplace entrants were putting pricing and innovation pressure on the organization. It was evident to the CEO that greater market understanding, new partnerships and an outstanding product were needed for long-haul sustainability. In short, it was time to revisit the nonprofit’s vision and direction, as well as develop a strategic plan for the future. The CEO also recognized that the board needed to be re-engaged and that meant the planning process was just as important as the plan itself. With these challenges in mind, Quinn Strategy Group developed an inclusive planning process specifically designed to build consensus, especially among board members.


We worked with the CEO, executive team and board of directors to create a collaborative framework for developing the new vision and strategic plan for the organization. We began by listening to external stakeholders through a series of interviews designed to reveal the current status of the organization related to organizational identity, innovation and core competency, as well as management and oversight. We then used the insights collected to facilitate strategic discussions with the board focused on articulating the new vision, long- and short-term goals and priorities. Once the vision was agreed to, we worked with the executive team to develop the strategic plan for achieving it, including comprehensive action steps and metrics for measuring success. In the final step of the planning process, we determined who would be responsible for various aspects of execution and created a timeline for managing implementation.


This strategic planning initiative resulted in a stronger organizational identity for the nonprofit and focused efforts across the organization to support the newly clarified vision. The plan also guided the organization in making the necessary changes to its product offering, organizational design and key strategic partners. The CEO continues to work with a strategic planning sub-committee comprised of board members charged with tracking and measuring progress. The process we designed left the executive team and board feeling more engaged, vested and included. They are more committed than ever to their role in taking the nonprofit fiercely into the future.
In a complex world there can be lots of uncertainty when planning for the future. Setting a strategy allows you create the future for your organization and not get mired in trying to predict the future, or in second guessing yourself every step of the way.
Ann Quinn
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