Why Revisit Your Why Right Now

Navigating an organization into the future is no easy feat. Not only do you need to figure out where to go and the best way to get there, but also on what sets your organization apart in order to be competitive.

Many leaders start by looking at the WHAT; the products or services the organization offers. Next they examine the HOW; how the organization goes about delivering the WHAT. Finally, but only sometimes, do they get to the WHY.

This approach is backwards.

An organization's WHY is its purpose or cause. It's the very reason the organization exists, and WHY should drive everything.

As Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model posits, WHY is the most important message for organizational success because it inspires others to action. When you communicate your WHY effectively, it builds trust and loyalty among your team and customers and also gives you a basis for decision making.

Taking time to revisit and confirm your organization's WHY is one of the most essential tasks a leader can undertake. It grounds strategy and creates meaningful action. Here's why it needs to be done on a regular basis:

Context, Clarity & Momentum

All the shifts and innovations that occur over time sustain an organization and enable it to thrive. Revisiting your organization's WHY is a way to recognize those milestones and give them context, as well as provide context for next steps. Connecting back to WHY also re-establishes clarity which is vital for momentum. When it seems like nothing is moving forward as it should, it's not because your team doesn't have clarity about WHAT they are doing — more likely they lack clarity around WHY they are doing it.

Connection, Inspiration & Action

Employees crave the human aspects of work. They want social and interpersonal connections with their colleagues and managers. They want to feel a sense of shared identity; to be part of the organization's purpose. A big aspect of confirming an organization's WHY involves reminding employees of that larger purpose in a way that renews and reinvigorates. When employees are energized, connection, inspiration and action become a self-fulfilling circle. Each element feeding and growing the others, all stemming from and continually pointed at that WHY.

Challenge, Determination & Perseverance 

Grounding strategy, communication and leadership in shared purpose prepares an organization for the road ahead. Think about all the stumbling blocks and downright obstacles your organization will inevitably face as it works toward its goals. Overcoming these challenges will require determination and perseverance, and these don't come from nothing. You're organization's WHY is both its North star and the light at the tunnel. Not only guiding the way, but calling forth the determination and perseverance you'll need from your team to solve challenges at each step.

Another way to ensure the actions taken move your organization forward is by using an Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) approach to goal setting. If your organization's goals are inspired by its WHY and you use this method for measuring progress toward them, you'll be creating momentum twofold.

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