What’s Holding Back Your Organization’s Growth?

Going after your goals with dogged persistence is admirable. But sometimes that singular focus can actually hold your organization back.

When you put blinders on and block out information and feedback in order to “push through”, there’s a good chance you're inhibiting rather than enhancing growth.

One of the biggest pitfalls I see clients run into when growing and scaling their organizations is pursuing big goals without first addressing the challenges standing in the way of goal achievement.

For example, it’s very difficult to grow and scale if:

  • Your systems and processes are clunky
  • There are operational inefficiencies
  • You have toxic managers
  • You haven’t properly staffed your organization or trained your team

Trying to pursue growth before you take care of these obstacles not only slows progress, but leads to major frustration.

Instead, think about steering your organization as you would a car — looking through the front windshield while also checking your:

Rearview Mirror: Revisit your goals and priorities. Where have you been and what did you learn that needs to be incorporated as you move forward?

Side Mirrors: You're not on the road alone, so scan the external environment. Are there adjustments or shifts you need to make to stay on course?

Dashboard: Observe key indicators to confirm that you're operating efficiently, resources are properly allocated and you've set the right pace. If your dashboard is showing warning signals, you may need to make changes.

Navigation: Consider what's coming up on the road ahead that you need to plan for now or avoid. Are there alternate routes that will save your organization time and effort?

Back Seat: Those in the car with you (your team) must be the right people, and they need to be in the right seats. You've heard me say people are your strategy, so if your team is a roadblock to growth you need to know.

Now is a great time to revisit your goals, check in on your strategies, reset your priorities and look for opportunities. After all, you can't make smart growth moves or see what's in your way without that 360 view.

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